Friday, July 20, 2012

Get Free Recharge From Amulyam..

   A site known as Amulyam is providing   users with Free Recharge in return of doing simple works.

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Main advantage of this site is that It Has No Min Recharge Amount ie U can start ur recharge from Rs.10

And up to u earn.!

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Make Your Computer Speak When you Log On

It’s a simple trick to amaze your friends.When you Log On infront of them.
Yeah a trick to make your Computer Welcome you on Start Up.


Lets Do It:
Open Notepad
Paste the bellow code in Np

Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome Back, Username"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

Replace Username with your Name
Click Save As and save as type Welcome.vbs
Copy File Welcome.vbs and paste it in bellow address


C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

*Replace Username with your username and C:\ with your Root Drive

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Done Log Off and Log In Amazed? .Now Your computer welcomes you

How to add profile pics in facebook chat

follow these steps to add faces to chat-
  • Get the username or profile id of the person of the group.
  • Now write in chat [[username]] or [[user id]] and press enter.
  • See the magical effect.

How To Get Someone’s Ip Address Through Facebook

Hello Friends ! Today i am going to post the trick for getting someone’s Ip through Facebook.

Step 1 – First invite or ping that person for a chat on facebook .

Step 2 – Make sure your all other tabs in browser and other services in computer are closed. If Possible for you then delete all the cookies-cache and browsing history from your browser.

Step 3 – While chatting on Facebook go to Start >- Run >- cmd .

Step 4 – After Opening command Prompt Type  netstat -an command and hit Enter.

Step 5 – Now you will get Ip Address of all the established connections there .

Step 6 – Note all the suspicious Ip’s and trace user using ip address tracer sites like whatismyip or .

Thats It !

trace facebook ip How To Get Someones Ip Address Through Facebook

How I Hacked A Remote Computer By Just IP Address

Hacking a remote computer is always a hot topic among hackers and crackers, a newbie hacker or someone who wants to learn hacking always ask these questions that how to hack into a computer by just knowing the IP address. Although we have discussed so many methods before and I always insist to learn some basic commands, protocols and their usage. This is my story like I have hacked into a remote by just using IP address (I have not downloaded any file even I have not cleared the logs). This story was not planned it just happened and I am sure you will like it and you will learn a lot of things if you don't know the basic commands and protocols.

It was Saturday night and I was working hard on social engineering toolkit remote attack (WAN,Internet attack) that is why I was playing with my router for port forwarding and other stuffs, remember my ISP using a dynamic mechanism so I have created DNS server to get the static IP. It was almost night and I have decided to get some sleep and than I have saved my browser tabs so that next time I will use them.

Its Sunday evening I have opened my browser and the previous tabs open automatically and then I got pop up window it asked about the user-name and password of my router I have looked to the address bar the IP address was same as it was saved by me, I was shocked that my ISP has not changed my WAN IP (remember ISP using dynamic IP), after this I have open a website about whatismyip and I have seen that my IP is different it means the window that ask about user name and password is the IP of another computer.

Just got an idea why not to brute force it and get the access on the victim router, hydra has been discussed before, but before brute force I have decided to use guessing technique and I than I have entered so many combination but failed than I just used the default user name and password huurraaah I was in.

Security was very low, than I did a quick nmap scan to get the open ports (remember I have turned off the firewall of victim router). According to the nmap result ftp and telnet was open and then I realized how vulnerable this victim is.

I came across to my terminal and open telnet to the victim by using the default password and I was in and now I was able to take control of this computer but this was not include in the plan.

FTP (file transfer protocol), I came to my terminal again and this time I have used FTP command with the same combination of user name and password and successful. Remember FTP access means you can download and upload files on remote computer means full access. You can use some GUI ftp client but I used command.


Always use a strong password

Turn on your Firewall (both on router and computer)

Download the Futuristic Fractals Theme for Windows 7 !

Are you a fan of fractal art? Then you may want to have a look at the Futuristic Fractals Theme for Windows 7. The theme comes with fourteen images featuring fractal art goodness by artist Duncan Lawler.

Download the Futuristic Fractals Theme [Windows 7 Personalization Gallery]

How to Install Skype on Ubuntu Linux !

Many People feel unsecured while chatting on Skype in windows platform due to the FUD (Fully Undetectable Viruses) threat. Hence today in this tutorial i will tell you how you can run Skype in Linux Platform which is almost 98% secure from RAT and other malicious viruses.

Here we have two methods of installing Skype in Ubuntu Linux :

1. Through Ubuntu Software Center

2. Manual Method

Skype Through Ubuntu Software Center : 

For this just  go to Ubuntu Software Center and in search type Skype , Ubuntu 11.10         Support Skype 2.0 Version for Linux. Click on install and in few minutes you are ready to use the Skype.

Installing Skype Through Manual Method :

This is the easiest method to install from the command line. There are three commands that you must use to install Skype correctly.

Open your terminal and copy paste following command :

sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui
wget -c -O /tmp/skype.deb
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/skype.deb

Now you can see the Skype on your menu bar and you are ready to use Skype no need to worry about RAT and other Trojan.

How to Use Google Search Via SMS in India !

Yeah, now you can also search anything, anytime, anywhere on Google without a internet connection. Google on your mobile either it’s a Smartphone or low cost phone it will help you with his SMS service. You don’t need to buy a expensive phone’s out of your budget to just surf for internet on the go.


Please follow the following steps:-

1.  You have to just type your keywords (You want to search) in your phone message box (create message).

2.Then add receipt send it to 9773300000. And it will comeback you the answer within a few seconds.

3.  You will  feel like you are surfing Google on the Internet.